Statistics, Evaluation and social Research

Monitoring Integration Progress & Statistics (EU-ASEAN COMPASS)

Economic and Employment Promotion

Financial Sector Development

Statistics, Evaluation and social Research

Tat Lan Baseline Assessment

Economic and Employment Promotion

German Master Craftsman Standards – Mechatronics

Governance, Education and Social Development

EU Election Observation Mission

Economic and Employment Promotion

Business Advisory Services SMEs via VINASME

Infrastructure and rural Development

Integrated Naga River Revitalisation

Statistics, Evaluation and social Research

Capacity Building of Local Institutions

Economic and Employment Promotion

Institutional Development Plans

Governance, Education and Social Development

Local Communities – Health and Adult Literacy, Lot 2

Governance, Education and Social Development

Local Communities – Health and Adult Literacy, Lot 1

Economic and Employment Promotion

Financial Services to SMEs