Evaluation of humanitarian logistics in the European Commission’s civil protecti

Evaluation of humanitarian logistics in the European Commission’s civil protection and humanitarian aid operations, 2018-2022, and of the Mobility Package within the Emergency Support Instrument re-activation, 2020-2022



ICON-INSTITUTE was contracted to conduct the thematic evaluation focusing on logistics activities funded by DG ECHO from 2018 to 2022, including the Mobility Package under the Emergency Support Instrument from 2020 to 2022. On the humanitarian side, it assessed operational support through the EU HAB and EU HAF, funding of UNHAS, the Logistics Cluster, NGO-operated logistics services, the Humanitarian Logistics Policy, the European Humanitarian Response Capacity, and DG ECHO’s advocacy on logistics. On the civil protection side, the evaluation covered UCPM transport and operations activities.

The ICON-INSTITUTE applied successfully a mixed-methods approach to evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, and added value of DG ECHO’s logistics efforts, with a particular focus on the crises of the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s war in Ukraine. During these events, DG ECHO quickly developed new logistics services to support the humanitarian community and EU Member States. The evaluation provided both general and specific recommendations. The evaluation involved several tasks, including a desk review, semi-structured interviews, case study development, online surveys, report drafting, and the facilitation of validation workshops.


01/07/2022 - 22/03/2023


Statistics, Evaluation and social Research


220.325 €


European Union


European Commission, DG ECHO

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