In the realm of industrial development in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the "Pilot Country Project 3" aims to boost the market share of underutilized tanneries in Tanzania, aligning with the "Support towards Industrialisation and the Productive Sectors (SIPS)" initiative. Funded by the EU and Germany’s BMZ and executed by GIZ, this project addresses the underutilization of tanneries identified in secondary documents like inception reports and value chain reviews.
Challenges such as inadequate supply chain coordination, damaged raw materials, and outdated machinery contribute to the underperformance of tanneries in Tanzania and the wider SADC region. The pilot project aims to increase production capacity, prevent closures, improve leather quality, and attract new investments.
Tanzania’s leather sector, benefiting from its labor intensity and resource base, presents an opportunity for growth. The project employs a three-step strategy:
1. Conduct a diagnostic study of Tanzania’s leather value chain, focusing on tanneries and their partners.
2. Provide training in critical areas like quality management and environment-friendly tanning techniques in regions such as Mwanza and Arusha.
3. Develop a strategic action plan based on study findings and participant feedback to enhance the leather industry's growth prospects.