With a long-term perspective for the EU-membership Serbia needs a public services in line with the European Administrative Space. The Government adopted the Strategy for Public Administration Reform in order to tackle the long-term structural challenges in the administration, which includes a high level of complexity with inconsistent regulations and standards, unclear roles and responsibilities, a weak inter-ministerial political coordination, complicated administrative procedures, weakness in the performance management and too few analyses of the context to be regulated.
The project objective was to give support in organisational development to the new unit for preparation and monitoring of regulations and by-laws within the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self Governance (MPALSG) as well as to the respective project group with a specific emphasis on clarification and agreement of roles and processes of the newly established unit for oversight of Law on general Administrative Procedure - LGAP with related units within the ministry as well as other institutions and organisations. Further, to support the setup of a monitoring and reporting system for implementation of LGAP.
The project team supported the MPALSG with assistance to the new unit in its organisational development, supported the unit in assessing the capacity developments needs of other units of MPALSG, including support in defining, preparations for establishing and operation of the monitoring system for progress in the implementation of LGAP and development of a long-term plan on the role of the unit for preparation and monitoring of regulations and by-laws in the future.
15/04/2018 - 15/11/2019
Governance, Education and Social Development
133.356 €
Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH