Everyone should have heard by now about Human Rights Due Diligence and the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains and the obligations under the law “Lieferketten- und Sorgfaltspflichtengesetz”. Anyone who has already dealt with the process encountered different hurdles. A management system is needed to identify, prevent and minimize or resolve human rights and environment-related risks and violations.
Risk Analysis completed, what’s next?
Once the first step of the risk analysis is completed and the risks are identified, the defined measures must be reviewed to determine whether they are appropriate to the risks. At that stage even the impact to be achieved need to be known and defined. Especially if occasion-related risks have been detected or the organisation has knowledge of violations. The field of impact measurement is still quite underrepresented in this context.
ICON-INSTITUTE together with its strategic partner GSM (Global Sustainable Management GmbH) invites you to join us February 15th to the side session “The important role of impact assessment in the due diligence process – methods and practice” at the OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector.
We will discuss proactive steps companies can take to establish impact measurement and meet expectations of key stakeholders. We will give insight into practical approaches for real and measurable improvements of the situation/human rights and environment in the producing countries and exchange with the participants about their experiences.
Click here to see the programme of all virtual side sessions.
We are looking forward to your participation on February 15th, 2:00 -3:00 pm!
Thank you for your interest in our virtual Side Session “The important role of impact assessment in the due diligence process – methods and practice”.
Since we would like to involve the participants interactively, the number of participants is limited. Currently, all seats are already fully booked.
Please send us an email and we will inform you personally if a place becomes available.
Please submit your request to: info@gsm-consulting.net or icon@icon-institute.de