Economic and Employment Promotion

Supporting the private and financial sector in Ghana

Economic and Employment Promotion

Labour Market Analysis

Statistics, Evaluation and social Research

Evaluation of the Country Package Ghana

Economic and Employment Promotion

Increasing Market Share of Tanneries

Economic and Employment Promotion

Access to financial services for small-scale farmers

Infrastructure and rural Development

Globalvorhaben Ernährungssicherung und Resilienzstärkung

Statistics, Evaluation and social Research

Evaluation of the project ‘Strengthening Education Information Systems’

Economic and Employment Promotion

Improving the quality of TVET in light manufacturing

Economic and Employment Promotion

Support the Incubator/Accelerator Facility at NIRDA

Infrastructure and rural Development

Technical Expert Support for the Implementation of the NDC on Climate Change

Statistics, Evaluation and social Research

Management of implementation of the 2017 Mozambique Thematic Studies

Statistics, Evaluation and social Research

Evaluation: Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women through Education