Evaluation of the project ‘Strengthening Education Information Systems’

External Evaluation of the project ‘Strengthening institutional Education information systems for data driven EiE and resilience to crises’



As part of UNESCO’s commitment to increase the capacity of education systems, UNESCO in partnership with NORCAP and supported by Education Cannot Wait and the Swedish International Development Agency, provided country-specific support to Ministries of Education in Ethiopia and South Sudan. The purpose of the ‘Strengthening institutional Education information systems for data driven EiE and resilience to crises’ project – which was the object of this external evaluation – is to tackle some of the most difficult challenges observed across six country case studies conducted in 2019 (Chad, Ethiopia, Palestine, South Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic and Uganda).

The evaluation covered all the project’s thematic components developed in Ethiopia and South Sudan as well as at global level, over the entire implementation period (January 2021 to July 2023) and involved all implementing partners (UNESCO EME, IIEP, UIS, NORCAP, UNESCO FO Addis Ababa and Juba) as well as targeted beneficiaries and humanitarian and development partners. The evaluation adopted a mixed method approach and covered Relevance and Internal and External Coherence, Effectiveness and Pathways Towards Impact, Efficiency and Sustainability. The conclusions and recommendations provided in the evaluation report were validated in the validation workshops.


02/08/2023 - 31/12/2023


Ethiopia, South Sudan


Statistics, Evaluation and social Research


69.135 €





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