Burkina Faso, Benin, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Cambodia, Madagascar, Mali, Malawi, Togo, ZambiaPROJECT DESCRIPTION
Almost 821 million people worldwide suffer from hunger, and another two billion are chronically malnourished. Malnutrition is particularly widespread in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. This affects the development opportunities of individuals and the development chances of entire countries.
In this context, the global project "Food Security and enhancing resilience" (GV ESRS) aims to improve the nutritional situation and resilience to famine crises at household level of people at risk of food, especially women of reproductive age and young children, by promoting the improvement of the quality and diversification of food, better and more stable access to food, greater availability of food and improved quality and use of basic services in the sectors of agriculture, health, education, social security and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) to increase their resilience to hunger crises.
ICON-INSTITUT is conducting a Follow-up Survey (FUS II) aiming to measure the effectiveness of the interventions carried out by the GV ESRS and to document the progress in improving the nutritional situation of the target group in the 11 country packages. By this, ICON-INSTITUT is contributing to reduce the health and economic burdens of hunger.