Burkina Faso, Benin, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Mali, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Togo, Tunisia, ZambiaPROJECT DESCRIPTION
The Global Project (GP) "Green Innovation Center in the Agricultural and Food Sector (GIAE)" supports measures to modernise the agricultural and food sector along selected value chains in 15 selected partner countries within the framework of country packages. It focuses on innovations in the agricultural sector, i.e. technical and/ or organisational innovations. New application knowledge, innovative technologies and organisational improvements are being promoted to produce more and more sustainably using fewer resources and contributing to improve the food situation. The main aim of the project is to disseminate existing innovations that have already been tested elsewhere, adapt them to local conditions and promote their application along selected agricultural value chains. The innovations promoted by the GIAE project include, for example, improved use of quality seed, introduction of good agricultural practices (GAP), improved cultivation systems (SRI) or improved processing techniques.
ICON-INSTITUT team's task was to analyse the progress of the project, to prepare a comparative analysis of the implementation status and to derive proposals for the further development of the country packages as support for the operational and strategic management of the global project. Field visits in each partner country served to assess the status of implementation and the progress of the project.
(4408852/ 4408618)