Skills Demand and Supply

Lot 1: Services Procurement Contract for Consultancy Assignments in the Area of Skills Demand and Supply in Jordan



ICON conducted an assignment in the area of skills demand and supply in Jordan within the scope of the Enabel Action “Developing skills of vulnerable youth and Syrian Refugees in Jordan”. The assignment focused on the demand side and comprised a skills needs analysis and a mapping of private enterprises with the potential for employing targeted beneficiaries on the one hand and for setting up partnerships with vocational training providers on the other hand. The project contributed to the specific objective to develop skills for semi-skilled workers in cooperation with the private sector.

ICON presented an overview of the economic sectors and trades, provided a list of key-enterprises/ potential employers arranged by sector and trades, compiled an overview of the (semi-level) vocational skills needs for the sectors and trades and made additional information on demand for soft skills available in a structured manner.

The geographic focus included the North and Centre (where the majority of Syrian refugees resided), but also the South of Jordan (where a lot of vulnerable Jordanians resided and fewer actors have been supporting vocational training in spite of a perceived need). Specific attention was given to the analysis of targeted groups, i.e. vulnerable Jordanian youth, Syrian refugees and women. The assignment was carried out through a combination of desk review of relevant documentation and information, key- informant interviews and a field survey using questionnaires.


02/04/2020 - 02/07/2020




Economic and Employment Promotion


27.750 €


Belgian Government


Belgian Development Agency (Enabel) (former BTC)

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