2023 GEM Report external evaluation

2023 GEM Report external evaluation



The Global Education Monitoring Report (the GEM Report), is an editorially independent, authoritative and evidence-based annual report published by UNESCO. The international community granted the GEM Report with the main mandate to monitor progress towards the education targets in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework. The GEM Report main output is the annual report (17 reports since 2002), which provide reporting on the progress to each of the six EFA targets; in addition to these, the GEM Report team has a diverse set of related products and resources available in print and online. It regularly publishes a variety of related policy papers, including Regional, Gender and Youth Reports, policy papers on various themes, and technical background papers.

The purpose of the 2023 evaluation of the GEM report is twofold: i) to determine how effectively the GEM Report fulfils its mandate, and ii) to inform the updating of the GEM Report’s strategy. The evaluation built on the findings and recommendations of the previous external evaluation, covered the period from 2018 to mid-2023, and covered relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. The evaluation involved the implementation of the following tasks:

• Desk review

• Semi-structured interviews

• Online survey

• Drafting of reports

• Facilitation of workshops


01/06/2023 - 31/12/2023


Statistics, Evaluation and social Research


120.830 €





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