Curriculum of the Textile Diploma

Module Development for the Curriculum of the Textile Diploma Graduates and Training of the Teachers of the public Textile Diploma Institutes



Bangladesh remains the world's second largest garment exporter and has good prospects of remaining one of the world's largest producers and continuing its steady growth. The garment industry generates 80 per cent of the country's export earnings and provides employment for 4.5 million people, mostly women. Although the sector has introduced social and environmental standards, increasing awareness of the impact of climate change and social injustice is drawing even more attention to issues of social and environmental sustainability. In addition, the issue of sustainability is becoming increasingly important in light of rising consumer demand for environmentally friendly and fair products. In recent years, Bangladesh has made immense progress in social and environmental standards, but there are still many areas for improvement.

In this context the project “Module development for the curriculum of the Textile Diploma Graduates and Training of the Teachers of the public Textile Diploma Institutes” which is part of the overall GIZ programme " Higher Education and Leadership Development for Sustainable Textiles in Bangladesh” (HELD) aims to strengthening the application-oriented competences of future specialists and managers of the textile industry in the field of sustainable corporate management. The assignment focuses on integrating social and environmental sustainability topics into the technical curricula of TVET institutions to prepare future textile industry professionals and managers for the sustainable management needs of the industry. Beneficiaries of the project are teachers/trainers of the seven selected public textile diploma institutes who will teach the developed/revised modules on social and ecological sustainability, as well as students at these institutes who will later apply their skills in technical professional and managerial positions in the textile industry. The Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) is the implementing partner for the HELD programme.

ICON-INSTITUT is providing support to BTEB in developing two new modules in the field of social and environmental sustainability in the textile industry as well as the revision of two existing modules. Furthermore, ICON supports the design and implementation of Training of Trainers (ToT) for teachers incl. the development of teaching and learning materials and monitoring of the implementation at classroom level. Based on the new and revised textile social and environmental sustainability modules ICON develops an interdisciplinary general qualification in the field of sustainability and compliance.


01/09/2022 - 31/12/2024




Economic and Employment Promotion


664.200 €


Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

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