Burkina Faso, Benin, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kenya, Mali, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Togo, Tunisia, Viet Nam, ZambiaPROJECT DESCRIPTION
The global programme "Green Innovation Centres in the Agricultural and Food Sector" (GP GIAE), promotes agricultural innovation in 16 partner countries along about 20 value chains aiming to increase the income of small farmers, promoting employment in the agricultural sector and improving food security. New practices, innovative technologies and organisational improvements are promoted to produce more sustainably using fewer resources and contributing to improve the food situation. Innovations promoted by GP GIAE include, for example, use of quality seed, introduction of good agricultural practices (GAP), improved cultivation systems (SRI) or improved processing techniques.
ICON‘s team‘s task was to analyse the progress of the project in 2021, to prepare a comparative analysis of the implementation status and to derive recommendations for further development as support for operational and strategic management of the GP. Field visits in each partner country served to assess the status of implementation and to analyse strengths and weaknesses of the individual country packages which fed into the overall assessment of the project‘s progress. Our team put a particular focus on providing advice and recommendations to GIZ regarding anchoring of innovations in partner systems, on enhancing prospects of sustainability and on developing exit strategies for the country packages.