Mid-Term Review of the UNESCO Strategy for Youth and Adult Literacy

Mid-Term Review of the UNESCO Strategy for Youth and Adult Literacy 2020-2025 implementation



The UNESCO Strategy for Youth and adult Literacy (2020-2025) was adopted in 2019 at the 40th Session of the UNESCO General Conference, followed by an Action Plan. It was endorsed by the Executive Board at its 209th session along with specific indicators for effective tracking and monitoring. The main goal of the Strategy is to guide UNESCO’s work towards supporting Member States in achieving the SDG Target 4.6 on youth and adult literacy and to contribute indirectly to achieving other targets of SDG 4 and other SDGs.

The Review was conducted in close collaboration with Youth, Literacy and Skills Development Section and relies on multiple data collection methods, including analysis of secondary documentation from UNESCO and other constituents (including UIL and GAL); interviews with UNESCO staff at HQ, Regional and Field Offices, UNESCO Institutes, as well as GAL members, donors and relevant academic experts in the field of literacy. Two online surveys – one to all UNESCO National Commissions and one to the UNESCO Literacy community of practice were also deployed. The review maps the progress of the Strategy implementation in its four key priority areas and provides indications of opportunities for its modification in the medium and long term. The review was based on desk review, semi-structured interviews and an online survey. The findings and conclusions were precented in the report and workshops.


09/06/2023 - 17/08/2023


Statistics, Evaluation and social Research


18.000 €





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