Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Serbia, UkrainePROJECT DESCRIPTION
The European Training Foundation (ETF), an EU agency based in Turin, focuses on human capital development by improving vocational education and training (VET) systems in line with EU external relations policies. A key priority for ETF is modernizing VET by shifting from supply-driven to demand-driven approaches, ensuring the involvement of the labor market in reform processes. Social partnership, involving employers and trade unions, plays a crucial role in aligning VET with labor market needs.
ICON-INSTITUT was contracted to to conduct an interim strategic evaluation of ETF's activities in promoting social partnership across its 29 partner countries from 2010-2013, using EC/OECD-DAC criteria. The evaluation also assessed the tools and methodologies, such as awareness raising and capacity building, employed in partner countries. The evaluation followed a mixed-method approach, allowing data triangulation and providing insights for future improvements. In the inception phase, the evaluation team developed a detailed methodology, including an evaluation matrix and data collection tools, based on document reviews and initial interviews with ETF staff. After visiting three partner countries, semi-structured interviews and focus groups were conducted to create case studies, complemented by a web survey targeting all partner countries to assess ETF’s overall impact.