Sector Analyses and Strategies for Three Economic Sectors in Jordan Understanding Challenges and Opportunities for MSMEs in Three Target Sectors
The GIZ projects Employment-oriented MSME promotion (GIZ MSME) and Trade for Employment (GIZ T4E) commissioned ICON-INSTITUT GmbH and Arabian Business Consultants for Development to carry out in-depth analyses of the ICT, tourism and food processing sectors in Jordan.
The sector studies provide a comprehensive understanding of the sectoral structure, current and projected trends, as well as challenges and opportunities for improved competitiveness of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) domestically and abroad.
Further, ICON developed a replicable methodology for the analyses of other economic sectors in Jordan, focusing on the role and development potential of MSMEs.
The sector stakeholders, who were extensively involved during the sector analyses as providers of critical knowledge and expertise, now have the opportunity to benefit from the insights. In addition, the analyses lay out a way forward for the partners and the project, providing recommendations and suggested interventions for promoting employment-oriented growth in the three target sectors.
The documents are available on GIZ’s media and information portal. Press the following links to download the sector analyses: