Spillover effects of food and nutrition security interventions on non-treated population: Evidence from Madagascar

ICON is conducting since 2019 impact surveys in the frame of the GIZ Global Initiative “Food security and strengthening resilience” (financed by BMZ). As part of the country package in Madagascar, support research has been conducted with the survey data and a specific part of the research results has now been published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Research (Volume 15, March 2024).

This study evaluates both direct and spillover effects of food and nutrition security interventions aimed at rural smallholder women in Madagascar. Using data from 715 rural women, the study employs endogenous switching regression and propensity score matching to analyse these effects. The results show positive impacts on food security and dietary diversity for both the treated group and nonbeneficiaries in target villages. The analysis highlights that direct effects are driven by reducing postharvest losses and increasing crop diversity, suggesting policy-makers should consider both direct and spillover effects when designing interventions.

Read the full article here:

Spillover effects of food and nutrition security interventions on non-treated population: Evidence from Madagascar – ScienceDirect