Governance, Education and Social Development

EU Election Observation Mission to Madagascar

Governance, Education and Social Development

EU Election Observation Mission to in Guinea

Governance, Education and Social Development

MDG 4 & 5 Acceleration Programme – Child Health

Governance, Education and Social Development

PAPSBU Evaluation, 10th EDF

Economic and Employment Promotion

Labour Market-Oriented Skills Planning & Research Mechanism

Statistics, Evaluation and social Research

Malawi Growth and Development Strategy: Macro Model and Statistics

Economic and Employment Promotion

Tourism Development

Statistics, Evaluation and social Research

Organisation of Statistical Seminars

Economic and Employment Promotion

Development of SME Clusters

Statistics, Evaluation and social Research

Lindi & Mtwara Agribusiness Support (LIMAS)

Governance, Education and Social Development

HIV Workplace Program in Education Sector

Infrastructure and rural Development

Export Initiative Renewable Energy