Economic and Employment Promotion


Economic and Employment Promotion

Youth Employment and VET

Infrastructure and rural Development

Food Security & Enhancing Resilience

Governance, Education and Social Development

Jobpartnership and Small- and Medium-sized Business Promotion

Infrastructure and rural Development

Promotion of Market-oriented Agriculture (MOAP)

Statistics, Evaluation and social Research

Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women through Education

Governance, Education and Social Development

Support Project for Vocational Training and Integration

Infrastructure and rural Development

Green Innovation Centres in the Agricultural and Food Sector

Governance, Education and Social Development

Good Financial Governance in the Health Sector

Infrastructure and rural Development

FONERWA – National Fund for Environment

Economic and Employment Promotion

Mechanical Technology, Electrical Technology/ Solar PV and Plumbing

Statistics, Evaluation and social Research

International Institute for Education Planning