Supply and Development of Access to Health Care
Congo Dem. Rep.
2021 - 2022
UNESCO-Hamdan bin Rashid Al-Maktoum Prize
2020 - 2020
ESTP IV - Lot 2: Trusted Smart Statistics and New Business Models
Various countries
2020 - 2024
ESTP IV - Lot 3: Dissemination and Communication
Various countries
2020 - 2024
ESTP IV - Lot 4: Environmental Statistics and Accounts
Various countries
2020 - 2024
ESTP IV - Lot 5: Macro-economic and Social Statistics
Various countries
2020 - 2024
Business Sector Involvement in TVET
Various countries
2019 - 2020
Promotion of Employment II
2020 - 2024
Energy Efficiency in Grid-based Power
2019 - 2022
Youth Employment and VET
2020 - 2021
TVET in the Palestinian Territories
2020 - 2021
Food Industry: TVET and Higher Education
Various countries
2020 - 2022
ESTP IV - Lot 1: Statistical Methods and Tools in Production
Various countries
2020 - 2024
"Benchlearning" Concept within the PES Network
Various countries
2019 - 2020
Food Security & Enhancing Resilience
Various countries
2019 - 2022
Strengthening Pre-Service Teacher Education in Myanmar (STEM)
2020 - 2020